Tuesday, 25 July 2017

IME Unit Trust Investment Portfolio 2017 - Portfolio Changes as of 25 July 2017

Latest update from "The Guided Investor" indicates there is a change to the attractiveness to invest into India. The 25th July 2017 update indicates that India has become unattractive to invest into.

India has become unattractive to invest into

Since this is a quick post, I am recommending investors to redeem/sell the fund with exposure into India. For the our IME Unit Trust Investment Combination portfolio, Manulife India Equity Fund which takes up 10% of the portfolio will be sold.

For the Shariah portfolio, the exposure to India is via Aberdeen Islamic Asia Pacific ex Japan Equity and it only represents a small percentage of the fund's allocation. Therefore I would recommend that this fund remains in the IME Unit TRust Investment Shariah Compliant portfolio 

Note: Will further update information on the sales of Manulife India Equity Fund in this blog post.

27 July 2017 Updates
IME Unit Trust Investment Portfolio 2017 as of 27th July 2017:-

Pending Transaction for sales of Manulife India Equity fund:-

Take Advantage of eUnittrust to Build Your own Unit Trust Portfolio!

Referring to my previous post, I mentioned one of the criteria of selecting fund is that the fund must be available on eUnittrust (online unit trust platform). If you are building your portfolio (or intend to start now) such as the one above, make sure to use an online platform to save on the sales charge. In fact, during promotional campaigns by eUnittrust, sales charges range only between 0% to 1%!

For further details on the eUnittrust and its benefit, click HERE.